Thursday, May 1, 2014

She not a pub, nor a pilsner

She not a pub, nor a pilsner

I know she’s exotic… I know she got imported, but you know I can’t have her without the chaser… it’s imperative that I mix her... When I poured her into my inner space; she took the shape of my ego…

She had me mentally confined… her champagne French body… had me at complete attention as I sipped her entire body! I have to chase her, because she needs me…

I want to sip every bit of her… I could feel her elixir twisting my tongue in directions I would've never dreamed possible… I want to quench my lust only with her!

The way she wets my lips and wets my tongue maliciously miraculously… leaves me with a marinating shivering in my mouth… with an aftertaste that I cannot begin to describe… the way she let me get high off of her, allows me to lose myself in her…

I mean she slowly severed my worries… my concerns she erased them all… my pains she subdued them… the broken fragments of my heart… she mends them all! I loved her…

I loved the way she made me feel inside…the way she made me perceive the things around me allowed me to witness life’s transformation of living freely, without worries…

I see our god… for at that moment of bliss… I crystallized her into a gift, but don’t try to give her to me… and try to overdose me with her because I can’t handle all of her… at once!

I’m afraid she would over power me at my weakened state… I need her to train me… I just need a portion of her… just a little bit of her… remember we need her; we need to swallow her…

wouldn't be the man I am today without her… she supported me; got my anger under control, but truth be told… it would be times where she would help get my anger out of control… those were the best moments… she’s my illusion to our hallucination… I need that chaser baby! 

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